11:00 AM | Author: Ryan Schaefer
 In this day and age it is important to keep up with times. For this post, my principle focus will be advertising trends of PC companies and how they have transformed in response with "keeping up with the times". Gilmore shows us that we, as internet users, are like editors and/or a team of quality control through his example of the faulty Mac- PC ad. I think we can witness a similar trend happening in Wikipedia, though I think that they actually hire "authenticators" to review the accuracy of what is posted. Anyways, this whole Mac-PC deal made me think of how companies in general have adopted one of two advertising philosophies. 

1.) They stress the simplicity of their product, and in terms of technology I feel that infers a easier way to keep up with times and the internet...etc

2.) The more recent strategy is seemingly identical. The Geiko slogan, " So easy a caveman can do it." is influential but I think it is the "child" element that changes the motives of the ad. Here is the new strategy- 

I think that the fact that this child is able to operate a PC is incredible. This is what I think the ad is saying. 
  • It is showing society that the newer generations are adapting quickly- one could argue that it is like an indirect threat to generations that are computer illiterate. 
  • It is also promoting a change in the norms of society. 
  • I think the ad could pressure some individuals to "keep up with the times" 
  • Lastly I think they are definitely trying to say that Windows is so easy " A Four year-old Can Do It"
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On March 2, 2009 at 12:22 PM , cricketts said...

This video is simply amazing. My mom still doesn't know how to attach things through email or how to charge her digital camera I got her for Christmas (she called me the other day to help her). It is not that she fights technology, but doesn't see how easy how much easier her life could be if she adapted to the changing times.

This ad would definitely pressure my mom to "keep up with the times" if she saw it. Great post!

On March 2, 2009 at 3:01 PM , Anonymous said...

I agree with what you think the video is saying. But isn't there a double-edged sword here? Perhaps the fact that Windows is so easy a child could do it would make more advanced users want more from their operating system.

Linux is probably complex enough for them!

On March 2, 2009 at 7:07 PM , Theron Miguel said...

well its safe to say that when a four year old cam use a digital camera and a pc we have definitely come a long way. I do have to agree with the comment above that states the more advanced user would want more advanced system